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5 Urinary Incontinence Symptoms to Take Seriously

5 Urinary Incontinence Symptoms to Take Seriously

Urinary incontinence – a loss or reduction of bladder control – is a surprisingly common women's health condition. Although it can happen to any woman, it is especially likely to occur as you get older. In fact, as many as 40% of women over the age of 65 struggle with it.  

It may be tempting to keep quiet about symptoms of urinary incontinence. After all, it can be embarrassing to discuss it with other people. But your care providers here at Associates in Women’s Health in Cincinnati urge you to tell us if you're having urinary issues. We want to know about any urinary symptoms you’re having.

There are two reasons for this. First, urinary symptoms can be a sign of a potentially serious health condition that requires care. Second, we have a range of effective treatments that can help reduce or eliminate your exasperating incontinence symptoms.

It’s time to speak up! Be sure to tell your provider if you are experiencing any of these five urinary incontinence symptoms.

Symptom #1: You leak urine when you laugh, cough, or sneeze

Leaking urine when you put pressure on your bladder – as you often do when you laugh, cough, sneeze, or even exercise – can be a sign of what's known as stress incontinence. Stress incontinence can occur when childbirth, pregnancy, weight gain, or hormonal changes cause the muscles of your pelvic floor to weaken.

Symptom #2: Sudden need to urinate

You're out shopping, or sitting in a work meeting, or driving in the car, when suddenly you need to get to a restroom. FAST.  If you can't find a toilet quickly enough, you may feel urine leaking into your underwear. This is known as urge incontinence.

Symptom #3: A need to urinate frequently

Another symptom of urge incontinence is feeling the need to empty your bladder multiple times per day and throughout the night. This condition is sometimes referred to as an overactive bladder.

Having an overactive bladder can be quite frustrating because you may have the urge to urinate even when there's only a small amount of fluid in your bladder. Women whose bladders are overactive during the night can experience poor sleep and daytime tiredness.

Symptom #4: Wetting the bed

Urinating while you sleep is a sure sign of incontinence. It can be associated with stress incontinence or urge incontinence. If this happens to you – or if you pass stool while you sleep, which is known as fecal incontinence – don't suffer in silence. We can help.

Symptom #5: Pain, pressure, or other discomfort

Discomfort or pain in your pelvic area can be a sign of infection or other conditions that may be causing your incontinence. For example, untreated urinary tract infections can interfere with your bladder control.

If you are experiencing any kind of pelvic pain, either on its own or while you urinate, your provider can evaluate it and recommend a course of treatment.

Have your symptoms checked

Don't wait any longer to have your urinary incontinence symptoms evaluated. In most cases, treatment such as medication, at-home bladder training, exercises, lifestyle changes, or minimally invasive surgery can help alleviate your urinary incontinence and improve your quality of life. 

Our providers are experts in diagnosing and treating incontinence. To schedule an evaluation, call our office at 513-794-1500, or request an appointment via our online portal today.

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